Medical Resources

Caring for Kids
A Website by the Canadian Pediatric Society

Exercises for various musculoskeletal conditions

Genecology/Obstetrics and Sexual Health

SOGC’s (Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada) website: information regarding pregnancy, birth and post-partum. It’s an excellent resource for a wide variety of topics.

Prenatal screening:
A resource to explain the options available for prenatal screening.  You will find information on the types of screening tests available (eFTS, NIPT) for the detection of conditions like Down’s Syndrome.

Sexually Transmitted Infections


Travel Vaccinations

Mental Health Resources

Internet Resources
Centre for Clinical Interventions
Self-help resources (free online CBT workbooks and info sheets, Worry & Rumination has a full CBT course on general anxiety; Social anxiety)

Anxiety Canada 
A website with information on anxiety and some exercises (i.e. Progressive muscle relaxation, calm breathing)

BounceBack Ontario 
BounceBack is a free skill-building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). It is designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry.

Free online support services and coping tools for a multitude of mental health conditions