Missed Appointment and Late Arrival Policy (updated 2023)
Fees for Uninsured Services (updated 2023)
Fees may be subject to annual increases per the OMA Uninsured Services Guide. Individual fee may be set by on the discretion of the individual physician based on the complexity of the form or file review. Please contact the office to confirm the cost of your specific requested form.
Privacy Statement
The physicians and staff at Waterloo West Medical are bound by law and ethics to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information.
We collect, use and disclose your personal health information to:
Treat and care for you
Get payment for your treatment and care (from OHIP, WSIB, your private insurer or others)
Plan, administer and manage our internal operations;
Conduct risk management and quality improvement activities
Conduct research
Compile statistics
Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
Fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law
Your request for care implies consent for our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information for purposes related to your care as noted above. All other purposes would require your expressed consent.
We may share your health information with other healthcare providers to continue to care for you. This includes healthcare providers at other organizations who can view your information to care for you.
You have the right at any time to withhold or withdraw your consent to disclose personal health information. You will be required to sign the appropriate form, which will be forwarded to the Privacy Officer.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Our office is committed to providing a safe, secure and respectful environment for all patients and staff.
Words or actions that make others feel threatened or demeaned will not be tolerated and decisive action will be taken to protect patients and staff.
Disruptive Behaviour
We consider the use of inappropriate words, actions or inactions as disruptive behaviour.
Inappropriate Actions/Inactions:
Violence (physical attacks or threats of harm)
Throwing, damaging property or breaking things
Unwelcomed physical contact
Failure to observe office policies and/or contracts
Refusing to leave the property
Inappropriate Words (in person, by phone or any means of communication):
Abusive language and yelling
Disrespectful or demeaning language/comments
Remarks, jokes or innuendos that degrade, ridicule or offend
Discriminatory remarks
Threats or threatening behaviour
Sexual harassment
Immediate action will be taken when the incidents described above occur.
Individual(s) may be asked to leave, the police may be called or the individual (s) may face dismissal from our practice
Missed Appointment and Late Arrival Policy
Our office requires 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment
Arrive 10 minutes early
Late arrivals may be considered Missed Appointments
Missed Appointment Fee will need to be paid before booking future appointments
The fee schedule posted in the office per Ontario Medical Association Uninsured Services
If you miss more than 3 appointments, you may be restricted to same-day appointments only or will be dismissed from the practice
• We make every effort to run on time, however, there are situations outside of our control that may disrupt the schedule
Fees for Uninsured Services (Updated 2023)
Missed appointment without prior notice $40-90
Off work/school note $25
Orthotics / Physio / Massage Therapy $25
Non-OHIP insured immunizations $25
Liquid Nitrogen Treatment $50+
Minor procedures (non-insured) $150-300
Driver’s Physical and Form completion $175
Documentation/forms for school / pre-employment $45
Disability / Insurance Forms $ varies (starts $60/pg)
Attending Physician Statement $160
CRA Disability Tax Credit Form $150
Travel cancellation insurance Form $45
Medical Certificate for EI compassion care $62
Life Insurance Death Certificate $54
Reproduction / Transfer of Medical Records $35 (first 20 pages)
+ $0.25 / page thereafter
+ Physician Review fee
+ USB and courier fee when applicable
Form completion fee subject to change depending on complexity of the form You will be advised of the fee prior to form completion
Fees are based on the Ontario Medical Association Guide to Uninsured Services