Waterloo West Medical

Family Medicine Practice

Click here to book online!

If you are a patient of Waterloo West Medical, you can now book an appointment online to see your doctor.
Just click here, select your family physician, type of appointment, and a time that is available, and you are all set for your booking!

Contact Us

Medical Centre 1
430 The Boardwalk
Suite 204
Waterloo, ON N2T 0C1

(519) 576 - 2992

If you would like to receive information from our office via secure email, call the office for an email consent form. We use a secure messaging portal (Ocean) to communicate with patients; notifications are sent via email. Do not contact us via email unless instructed to do so by our staff, as our inbox is not monitored for incoming emails.

If you believe you have symptoms of COVID-19, please use the self-assessment tool below for further guidance:
Covid-19 Self Assessment

Covid-19 At Our Clinic:

If you have an appointment at the office:

We are trying to minimize the number of people in our waiting room. Please come alone (if possible) at your given appointment time; for a child’s appointment, if possible, only one adult should attend with the child.
If you are sick (including respiratory symptoms and/or fever), we ask that you wear a mask and keep it on for the duration of your appointment. You will be directed to sanitize your hands on entry into the office. If you have tested positive for Covid-19 and are to come in for an appointment (for any reason), please call our office to review with us before attending."

For further information on Covid-19 please visit the following websites: